The end of the 23rd edition of Argentario Sailing Week, organized by the Yacht Club Santo Stefano with the support of the Municipality of Monte Argentario, is celebrated with a crowded awards ceremony held in the regatta village in Piazzale dei Rioni and washed down with wines from the Tuscan wine company Collemassari, which is the Official Wine Supplier of Argentario Sailing Week as part of its activities alongside Alinghi Red Bull Racing, challenger of the 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona.
Argentario Sailing Week, the tale of Marco Poma
The tale of the last race together with the satisfaction for the conclusion of an event are all in the words of Marco Poma, vice-president and sports director of the Yacht Club Santo Stefano: “today’s was a very technical race sailed on a 13-mile course, with flat seas, south-easterly wind between 12 and 14 knots at the start and then increasing.
Truly ideal conditions for the entire fleet. The Race Committee’s choice of the course thus allowed the race to run smoothly for all classes with an initial upwind ‘ashore’ followed by a long stern side and two slack to reach the final finish line. Many maneuvers, buoy turns and tactical choices for the crews, in the end all satisfied and many smiles on the dock. A fitting conclusion to this 23rd edition of Argentario Sailing Week.” The results of today’s regatta determined the winners of the seven classes and the other podium positions, which were characterized by minimal gaps. The event was held with 50 registered boats from 9 nations.
Overall Standings:
- BIG BOATS: 1° Mariska – Tamariska Doo 4 pt; 2° Mariella – Carlo Falcone 7 pt; 3° Hallowe’en – Inigo Strez 8 pt;
- CRUISER YACHTS: 1° Barbara – Roberto Olivieri 5 pt; Star Sapphire of London – Jakob Glatz8 pt; 2° .; 3° Ilda – Maria Patrizia Cioni 10 pt.;
- CLASSICI: 1° Crivizza – Ariella Cattai 4 pt; 2° St. Christopher – Daria Cabai – Valentin Martin 5 pt; 3° Optimista – Antonio del Balzo 10 pt;
- SPIRIT OF TRADITION: 1° Freya – Luca Celeghini 3 pt.; 2° Pancho – Del Gallo di Roccagiovine – Aresu pt. 6; 3° Albelimar III – Marco Claudio Corneli 10 pt;
- S&S SWAN: 1° Matchless – Giacomo Bei 4 pt; 2° Dream – Francesco Pennesi Persio 9 pt. 3° Outrageous of Falmouth – Fabrizio Savariano 10 pt;
- VINTAGE: 1° Chinook – Paolo Zannoni 4 pt; 2° Marga – Iginio Angelini5 pt; 3° Comet – Woodward – Fisher 7 pt;
- CLASSIC IOR: 1° Matrero – Rafael Periera Aragon 4 pt; 2° Il Moro di Venezia – Massimiliano Ferruzzi 6 pt; 3° Ojalà II – Susan Carol Holland 7 pt
Roberto Olivieri’s Barbara, a yawl-rigged boat launched in 1923 and winner of the Cruiser yachts category, won the challenge prize “Voscià Trophy – Giancarlo Lodigiani for having the best score among yawl-rigged boats at Argentario Saling Week.
Full rankings are available at the link:
Argentario Sailing Week in the words of Piero Chiozzi
President of Yacht Club Santo Stefano Piero Chiozzi, interviewed by Giulio Guazzini of Rai Sport, said this morning, “Yacht Club Santo Stefano is very happy to continue to organize this event related to vintage sails and the tradition of the sea. At the same time, our Council is unanimous in the strategic choices that see us looking to the future with the organization of other prestigious regattas, the sailing school, youth competitive teams and continuing the activity already undertaken with schools in the area to bring sailing to the primary classes. Thanks once again to Mayor Arturo Cerulli, the administration of Monte Argentario, the owners to the crews, our partners and all the staff of the Santo Stefano Yacht Club for helping to make this event a success.”
The 24th edition of Argentario Sailing Week is scheduled for June 18-22, 2025
The Argentario Sailing Week 2024 enjoys the patronage of the Region of Tuscany, Province of Grosseto, Municipality of Monte Argentario, the Navy, the Italian Vintage Sails Association and the International Mediterranean Committee In addition to patronage, the Municipality of Monte Argentario supports the event concretely.
Argentario Sailing Week is one of ten regattas that are part of the 2024 International Mediterranean Committee Championship, whose program includes events in Italy as well as Spain, France and Monaco.