The most recent addition to Pisa Circle was Krayon, an independent haute horlogerie brand. Today, Pisa Circle, the digital showcase of Pisa Orologeria counts no less than 36 maisons.
Launched just over two years ago, this initiative has conquered an ever-increasing interest and space among enthusiasts of the world of hands and not only. Success that rests on an innovative formula that goes beyond the concept of a simple online catalogue. (Here all our posts about Pisa Orologeria)
Pisa Circle an expected success
It could not be otherwise for someone like Pisa Orologeria who boasts over 80 years of experience in the world of time. Founded as a repair workshop, the Milanese company’s reputation has grown on the Italian and international scene, which today is identified in the Flagship store in Via Verri 7.
Inaugurated in 2016, it is located in the heart of the Quadrilatero della Moda, a stone’s throw from Via Monte Napoleone. A space in which the absolute protagonist is time, represented both by the mechanical creations of the brands present and by the type of experience that goes beyond the logic of purchase, becoming a place for sharing, exchanging opinions, and experiences. In short, once you cross the threshold of the boutique, a real journey into the world of hands begins.
A meeting place
A journey that today can be replicated at any time of day and wherever you are by accessing Pisa Circle. The idea of calling the initiative by this name did not come about by chance, but espouses a very precise logic. Or rather, it has a story to tell that can be read in the logo designed by combining two elements: the spiral of a clock and the labyrinth of Chartes cathedral depicted within the circle symbolising perfection.
A circle that, on a digital level, in the language of Pisa Orologeria has been declined into Circle to symbolise also the idea of a circle, that is, a space and meeting place dedicated to lovers of the world of time. “We focused on speed and user-friendliness: everything is immediate, visual and intuitive.
Pisa Circle: an intuitive browsing
Browsing the Pisa Circle section had to be as easy as strolling down Via Verri in front of our shop windows and in the same way contacting us, thanks to a simple form, as quickly and effectively as opening the door and entering to ask for information. One can browse the brand sections or carry out personalised searches, viewing only products currently available in the shop; be they watches, jewellery or accessories.
This was one of Circle’s prerogatives: not to replicate a generic product catalogue, but to show only products that are present in our boutiques,’ said Chiara Pisa Ceo of Pisa Orologeria in an interview published in Affari & Finanza di Repubblica. And, of course, among the many proposals contemplated, many of them point straight to the world of the sea. In the next episode (online on 30 November), we would like to highlight ten models from as many watch manufacturers inspired by the sixth continent and available on Pisa Circle.
The most exclusive landing place, the latter, for those who dream of having a Christmas with a marine flavour.
Matteo Zaccagnino