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The shipwright, a free on-line course

Shipwright: for anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge of wooden boat construction, this completely free of charge on-line course in the shipwright’s traditional trade will raise their awareness. There are no prerequisites to participate since the lessons are only intended as preparation to the professional title of shipwright. Lessons will be held on-line, twice a week from 5pm to 7pm, for a total of 21 ½ hours of lessons. The course is promoted by the Monfalcone Municipality in partnership with the Framesport Interreg Italia-Croazia project and in collaboration with the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico of Pordenone and the Cantiere Alto Adriatico Custom of Monfalcone. Deadline for registration is November 2nd, 2022.

©Paolo Maccione

The shipwright art

This initiative is surely one of a kind. All those who register at by November 2nd will be able to participate in this free course covering many aspects of the traditional shipwright’s craft. The lessons are not only for those who wish to increase their knowledge of wooden boat construction and restoration, but also to potential future shipwrights and enthusiasts of the craft. One of the primary purposes of this initiative is to preserve the shipwright’s traditional trade, defined as such in Article 117 of the Italian Navigation Code.There are no prerequisites to participate since the lessons are only intended as preparation to the professional title of shipwright.

The course, in English and free of charge, will be held on-line from the beginning of November until December, 2022. It will consist in 20 hours of live streaming and 1 ½ hours of pre-recorded lessons. The twice weekly two hour lessons are scheduled to be held from 5pm until 7pm, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Any changes to the schedule will be communicated to the participants well in advance. The definitive dates for the lessons will be sent by email. 

©Paolo Maccione

The shipwright art course: the promoters

The Training Course for Shipwrights is organised by the Municipality of Monfalcone (Gorizia), partner in the European project FRAMESPORT INTERREG ITALIA-CROATIA.  The aim of this project is to strategically coordinate integrated and sustainable development initiatives for small ports, allowing them to be socially proactive as economic drivers of development along the Adriatic coast. This cross-border pilot program will located in Monfalcone and operate in close collaboration with the Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico of Pordenone and the Cantiere Alto Adriatico Custom of Monfalcone.

©Paolo Maccione

The Syllabus

The subjects, divided into modules, that will be covered during the course are as follows:


Introduction to the training course: its vision, mission and presentation of the project’s players

Teaching methodology and individual exercises

Historical and economic context

Maritime history and tradition in the Adriatic Sea

Types of wooden vessels, both sail and power

Construction plans for the vessels

©Paolo Maccione

Building materials 

Types of wood used in boatbuilding

Traditional and historic wooden constructions

High sustainability in new materials (and European strategic goals of ecological sustainability)

From techniques to know-how in wooden boat restoration

Short introduction to wooden boat design – the advantages of using wood for construction

The vessel’s lines – reading and understanding design drawings

Restoration of wooden boats – a conservative or philological philosophy

Repairing wooden boats

Bonding systems

Inspecting to determine damaged and critical elements

Evaluating necessary restoration interventions

From Left: Federico Lenardon and Odilo Simonit. ©Paolo Maccione

New Technologies (technical skills)

New design software for refitting

Use of augmented reality glasses – the Galeb case

Enabling technologies and European strategic objectives for digitalization and sustainability

Product innovation: from the idea to the prototype, the engineering of both the product and the process

Eco-design: design for disassembling

Innovative materials: technology transfer and ecological sustainability

Additive manufacturing: what is it and the advantages of adopting the technology in the process of product innovation

Communication and living the tradition 

Events and sport marketing for historic vessels

The Shipwright’s art course: teacher and institutions

Here are the seven teachers who will present the subjects:

Giovanni Francesco Scolari, professor of Information Technology with 40 years of management experience in large companies such as Accenture, Montedison, Electrolux and Pirelli.

Alessandra Gruppi, with a degree in Economics and Banking, an MBA in International Business, a Master in Business Coaching and PNL, is president of Strategia & Controllo, responsible for planning and strategic control, startups and business coaching. She is professor of Strategic Marketing at the MIB School of Management and collaborates in training at several international business schools and institutions.

Cristina Fonzar, Marketing & Communication Consultant at Strategia & Controllo, is an expert of operative and strategic marketing, luxury goods marketing, communications and PR, event organization and management, and the launch and development of new products.

Federico Lenardon is a shipwright, designer and shipbuilder at the Cantiere Alto Adriatico Custom. He was the only student allowed at the design table of Carlo Sciarrelli, the Maestro of classic yacht design who died in 2006. Federico is the living memory of the historic designer and continues Sciarrelli’s tradition.

Odilo Simonit and Paolo Skabar onboard Galeb.

Odilo Simonit is a shipwright and passionate racing sailor who, after ten years at the Hannibal Shipyard, in 2006 founded the Cantiere Alto Adriatico Custom together with his partner Paolo Skabar.

Alessio Visintin, with more than 20 years of experience in 3D graphics, virtual reality and yacht design, is the Project Manager for SimCoVR, established in 1995. This company is also specialised in professional engineering services using Virtual and Augmented Reality in a maritime environment.

Luigi Valan, head of FAB.LAB FVG at Friuli Innovazione, a part of the Projects and Technology Transfer Office of the INNOVA FVG consortium, a research organization of the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Autonomous Region that manages the Technology and Science Park of Amaro (Udine).

Interreg Italy – Croatia 

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