From a monohull to a hydrofoil thanks to hydraulics and electronics. This is the project carried out by Oliver Kormann and Daniell Porsche.
Monohull, catamaran, trimaran, Night Mode, Flying Mode and Bathing Mode. These are the possibilities that Kormaran offers to adapt the boat to your needs and situations. Kormoran is the new yacht that comes from the homonymous Austrian shipyard. Kormoran was created by the cooperation of Oliver Kormann, founder and CEO of the shipyard, and Daniell Porsche, family member and shareholder of the German group Porsche. Daniell has always been engaged in the arts and he is also the lender of this innovative project. The Kormaran project is based on a pair of side hulls that are able to vary the configurations even during navigation by means of hydraulic system that can be governed electronically.
Kormaran is a true concentration of high technology and innovation and it is built with a combination of innovative and traditional materials: carbon, fiber, titanium, steel, teak wood and Boxmark Xtreme Leather. A set that creates a solid poly-boat with an outstanding combination of elegance and practicality of use.
Kormoran is under construction at the moment and it will be presented this summer in the setting of Montenegro Port. The possibility to switch to Flying Mode (hydrofoil) is the feature that really makes Kormaran unique and innovative. This is a configuration that, thanks to the submerged wings, reduces the resistance in running water up to 80% with a consequent increase in the engine speed. The engine size of 500 hp allows the Kormaran( which is 7 meters long) to reach the maximum speed of 44 knots.